Disclaimer Information

Qualify4Disability is a service of Ignite Sales Leads, LLC. Qualify4Disability is not, nor is it intended to be legal advice. Please consult with a lawyer for legal advice regarding disability benefits and your specific circumstance. Additionally, please know submitting your information to Qualify4Disability’s evaluation does not initiate or guarantee a lawyer-client relationship.

By choosing to “submit” the Qualify4Disability evaluation, you consent that this information is correct and can be used to determine your eligibility for Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Additionally, clicking “submit” consents Ignite Sales Leads, LLC to share this information with disability lawyers or advocacy groups. By choosing to “submit” the Qualify4Disability evaluation, you acknowledge, understand, and agree to all Terms of Service, Disclaimer, and Privacy policies.

Qualify4Disability is not a referral service nor is it affiliated with the Social Security Administration in any way. Lawyers and advocacy groups that partner with Qualify4Disability pays for advertising and services.

Should you pursue representation by a lawyer or advocacy group for your disability benefits application, he or she will solidify representation via an Appointment of Representative SSA-1696 form or retainer agreement.

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